Tuesday, March 31, 2009


The book discusses starting an assignment by have the students (not necessarily only the gifted students) the most difficult problems first. if they can prove that they understand the concept, then why have them do all of the work. While I agree with this strategy, do you agree with the suggestions of replacement activities such as 'do nothing'?

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Who will learn the least this year?

The introduction of "Teaching Gifted Kids in the Regular Classroom" by Susan Winebrenner states that the group that "will probably learn the least this year" will be most able children. Does this surprise you? If these were your own children would you think that is appropriate? Or would you want more for your children?


Please post your thoughts on Chapter One here.


Simple question: Do you feel intimidated by students that are truly smarter than you? AND can you see how other teachers may feel offended if a student is constantly making comments to make them feel insecure in their own intelligence?

Friday, March 27, 2009

We just started!

Okay -- Be truthful -- did I overwelm you with the technology portion? If so, don't panic, I will help you sift through it soon enough!

Thank you for coming -- feel free to share!