Monday, July 26, 2010

Disrupting Class

Thinking about doing our next book study on Disrupting Class, by Clayton Christiansen. What do you think of when you think of disrupting class? Before reading this book, I would say that I pictured this:

Now I realize that it means that students are learning at their own pace, in the best modality for them. Theoretically a tailor made education.

Are we afraid to disrupt the norm in education? Or can we put our thinking hats on and disrupt the status quo of learning? Join me in the interesting conversations that will be sure to follow. We will be starting in two weeks, plenty of time for you to order your copy for your ebook or a hard copy online! Looking forward to GREAT discussions!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Rim Country Gifted & Differentiated Strategies Symposium

We will be hosting a conference in Payson for teachers who want to learn more about gifted and differentiation. It will be October 13-15, 2010 and the cost is only $295 for three days including lunch, snacks and one dinner! Feel free to contact me for further information.