Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Gifted Myth #4 Debunked

Myth No. 4: Gifted students read all the time, wear glasses and/or are physically and socially inept.

We all probably have examples of the student who fits the stereo-typical gifted student. But the fact is the majority of gifted students or the 'norm' do not fit this stereotype.  With any group of gifted children, there are outliers who fit this stereo type.  In my career working with gifted students I have absolutely had students that fit this stereotype, but then I have had plenty more that are active in sports, very popular and seem to be going through life just fine.

My question to you is this:  Is it okay to have this stereotype?  Do we need to change it, or like so many of us is it fun to laugh it off and say:  "that's atypical, they're just gifted."